Author Archive: admin
Industry Dichotomy — Innovation in the ‘Traditional’ Sectors
Industry Dichotomy — Innovation in the ‘Traditional’ Sectors
I’m writing this column from the San Francisco bay area, where due to the wildfires has been bad and is gradually getting better. I’ve been having several discussions focusing on innovation, venturing, company growth and related themes with friends and colleagues from all over the world.
Carbon Removal Corporate Action Tracker | Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy
Carbon Removal Corporate Action Tracker | Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy
The terms carbon neutral, carbon negative, and net-zero, long familiar to scientists and environmentalists, are beginning to pop up in corporate press releases. Recently, corporations from sectors ranging from aviation to finance to retail have made commitments to an emerging form of climate action …
Why Deploying Climate Tech at Scale Is So Hard – Rocky Mountain Institute
Why Deploying Climate Tech at Scale Is So Hard – Rocky Mountain Institute
The science is clear. To combat climate change, we need to deploy trillions of dollars a year into new, gigaton-scale climate solutions. Some of these solutions involve existing, mature technologies, while others will involve technologies that are nascent or have… Read More
An Action Plan for Carbon Capture and Storage In California: Opportunities, Challenges & Solutions
An Action Plan for Carbon Capture and Storage In California: Opportunities, Challenges & Solutions
On October 22, Ernest Moniz, Lynn Orr, Melanie Kenderdine, and Sally Benson will discuss a new joint study by the Energy Futures Initiative and Stanford’s Center for Carbon Storage. This study analyzes key options, including a set of technologies and support infrastructure for Carbon Capture and Sto…
Coronavirus-induced carbon dioxide emission reductions are not yet detectable in the atmosphere
Coronavirus-induced carbon dioxide emission reductions are not yet detectable in the atmosphere
Based on current data measured in the energy, industry, and mobility sectors, restrictions of social life during the corona pandemic can be predicted to lead to a reduction of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions by up to eight percent in 2020. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Chang…