Design of Sustainable Energy Corps

  • One initial concept for connecting universities to local facility emission points is to search within a given radius of the university. This could also be done from the facility side to search for universities within a given radius.
  • The universities in the SEC corps list have the total carbon opportunity of facilities in a radius of the university. There will be overlap and this can lead to multiple parallel efforts to share and benchmark.
  • An obvious need is for facility owners to embrace the approach. This is where focus on their needs such as talent development are part of the overall effort.

This type of approach would be a translation of the “adopt a highway” program where local teams engage to maintain sections of roadway.
  • One approach is to evaluate all the options for a given emission point. Explore all possible combinations and then rate in terms of benefits and costs. With a shared approach new ideas can be translated from one area to another. The ideas with the best opportunity could be accelerated, those with low benefits could be assessed for new innovation opportunities.
  • Stationary emission points fit this approach well. For the the transportation sector, a total system analysis would be required to explore transformation from the demand side.